Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don and Sukey

well, originally they were both supposed to be Christmas themed mealy monsters, but did not turn out that way. I changed their eyes from the pin dot eyes that I normally do to eyes more like I have been doing on my more recent pieces. I am pretty happy with the look. well, two down and one more to go.


LoopyBoopy said...

Love em Mealy..I like the new eyes. I know your partial to "ugly" but suki is actually really pretty:)

Gail Lackey said...

OMG! Don and Sukey are toooo Adorable!! Now my face is stuck from laughing! Love the eyes, especially Dons where they are a bit cockeyed...I bet it helps him see in more directions that way!

Unknown said...

christmas creepy, love em', keep em coming!!