Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the sun is out!

 the sun has FINALLY made a  appearance here in Buffalo and it seems for the moment the rains have stopped! With it brings some warmer temperatures, finally was able to turn off my heat this week, and  tackling my gardens. those weeds already have laid claim to them.  I had some cabin fever going on and was pacing the house in anticipation of warmer weather, so happy it finally has arrived.  So I have been absent to all my little voices in my head telling me to get my butt to work, I have to prepare for four big art fairs this summer, and have nothing done yet. Oh the joy of procrastination.  the voices will have to quite down while I take in the sun. you never know when it will turn back into cold gloom.
 and while I am not listening to those voices poor naked gal here sits and waits for clothing and hair. I promise it is coming, but fist I must get my garden in order.


Michele Lynch Art said...

Love the pendant! and I don't blame you, with the winter we had, we all deserve some time in the sun!! xo Michele

Judy C said...

Again, I love your dolls. I wish I could attend one of your craft fairs.