Saturday, June 16, 2012

holy moly!!

 Well, this past weekend was the Allentown Art Festival here in Buffalo.
 I was surprised. Very pleasantly surprised. 
Let me explain. 
I have been working on new pieces all winter long in preparation for the insane summer art festival schedule that I naively planned out.  The kick off was the Allentown art Festival. I thought I was prepared and would have some left over due to the large volume of creatures I had made. 
The show was a huge success. 
Monster count is now officially low.
So next weekend I have the Roycroft Art Festival in East Aurora, NY (for details on the show please see my events section) and feel a bit like I am starting from scratch. So since this past Monday I have been working like a crazed woman, staying up way to late and getting up way to early with one thing on my mind. 
and lots of them.

1 comment:

sassypackrat said...

Those skellies are fabulous! Love them!