Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Halloween Magic

As some of you may know I am preparing for one of my favorite shows of the year.
 Ghoultide Gathering
As I am preparing for the show I thought back to my first year at Ghoultide and how exciting and overwhelming it was. 
I had written a article for possible publication last year, unfortunately it was a pass, but felt like this would be a good time to share it with anyone who is not completely sure if they will attend the show and all who just want a little glimpse into the Halloween Magic of Ghoultide.
hope you enjoy.....

Halloween Magic: My Ghoultide Gathering experience.

by Nicole  Johnson

            The year was 2013.  Funny now as I think back, 13 is my lucky number. I was born on the 13th and have always had a fondness for the number of bad luck and fright. Maybe this is why my art has always been strongly rooted in Halloween. Witches, pumpkins, and frightful little creatures are, in my world, suitable all year long. Not to get off the subject at hand, that being Ghoultide Gathering. A show unlike any show that I have done before.
            I should explain one thing before I go on.  I as a artist have taken the path of art festivals as a career. A choice that has given me the freedom to share my love of Halloween all year long through my artwork.  From June until December I go from various venues across western and upstate New York selling my art work for a living. I am not saying I am a expert on shows, but I feel confidant in saying that Ghoultide Gathering is unlike any show I have ever participated in or attended.
            When I arrived at the Chelsea Michigan fairgrounds, the venue of Ghoultide Gathering I was met with a spectacular site. A huge pumpkin man, made by the insanely talented Scott Smith, grinned down at me. I immediately thought, this is going to be awesome and I also started to feel a little bit of spiders in my stomach with the shear awe of what was before me. It was a mad flurry of activity.  Artists who's artwork I had only been able to admire online were here, in front of me. Three deep breaths, maybe four, and I jumped right into the flurry. I focused on the set up of my space, I kept peeking here and there, all around me, as amazing artwork  began to appear. Artwork by Shelia Bentley, Laurie Hardin, David Shilling, Joyce Stahl, and of course Scott Smith, just to mention a few, right in front or me. Not just one piece, but a whole table full of Halloween masterpieces.  At this moment I remember thinking how unreal this was and I could not believe I was here.
            Then, what I consider the best part happened. I finished my set up and I got to walk around and view the artwork of Ghoultide Gathering. Just take my time and look, and look, and look and take it all in. What talent, incredible, unbelievable talent all in one room.  I was familiar with some of the artists that were at the show but not all of them.  I was introduced to the artwork of Dustin Poché, Jennifer Helper-Takens, and Kevin Buntin along with many more.  The artwork at this show is like nothing I have ever seen. Each artists has a unique and one of a kind style that you just don't see at your normal art festival.
            On the day of the show a strange and thick fog rolled in. I am not joking, a fog rolled in, as if mother nature was also getting into the Halloween spirit and setting the stage for Ghoultide Gathering. There were people already lined up at the ticket booth awaiting the start of the show and there was a buzz in the air of excitement. Deep breaths, picture taking, and nervous chatter on my part took place. Then the doors opened and it was incredible. People were running to their favorite artists table, literally running. The day went by in a blur and then it was over. Just as quickly as it began it ended.
            I have been invited back to participate in the 2014 Ghoultide Gathering and have accepted the invitation without hesitation. I am counting down the days when I will once again be surrounded by the Halloween Magic that is called Ghoultide Gathering.  

Hope you enjoyed my little story and I hope to see you at 
 on Ocober 3rd in Chelsea, Michigan!

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